They had all this stuff setup today to welcome us back from break. they had this maze setup, reminded me of that time you took us to the corn maze haha
no way, that feels like so long ago.
what are you up to today?
Just have to get all my books and run some errands.
did u get into that film elective? what else are you taking?
yea sorry just ran into a friend in the bookstore talk later
i can’t believe we’re already halfway through our first year, it’s gone by so quick.
yea I know, I don’t want to go back home for the summer..
I thought you said you were coming home
I know but there’s this really good research position that I want to apply to and I might just take a few summer courses.
Oh ok, maybe I can come visit you?
is everything okay? I feel like you’ve been quiet
no im fine just busy
yea I get that, do you also have midterms this week?
Yup one tomorrow and then another on Friday. & I have to deal with this whole thing with Lisa.
Wait what happened with Lisa?
Remember I told you, she had that whole breakdown and know she’s moving out and moving back home. Fuck, I’m not exited who knows who’ll move into her room.
I mean won’t you have a little time before anyone else moves in? At least she’ll be gone and maybe your new roommate will be better..?
Yea idk, anyways I got to get back to studying
all right, good luck studying! call me before bed?
how’d your test go?
sorry yea both my tests went well
do you want to talk?
i’m just about to head out with a few girls on my floor!
oh okay all good, where are you going?
just at this party, my phone’s about to die
have fun! maybe talk tomorrow?
hi, I haven’t heard from you in a while how’ve you been?
did u get my calls?
are you liking that film elective? how’s your new roommate? are you still doing all that stuff with the social justice club? I tried facetiming you yesterday and twice today you must be busy. do you have anytime to talk today?
sure, i have something to talk to you about. i’ll call you later.
what time are u thinking? I’ll make sure to be free!
idk, like 7 your time
can’t wait, talk soon!
can you still talk?
sorry give me 5 minutes
why’d you hang up?
i’m sorry, i just really miss you
pls call me back